Saturday 26 November 2011

Irish breakfast auction basket

My daughters Daycare recently organised an auction benefit to raise funds for the school. Each family had to donate a total of three items. I decided along with one other item that I would donate two baskets of home baked goods. The above basket is the result of my efforts.
My baskets were given a retail value of $75 and although I put a lot of effort and time into them, I was a bit freaked out that no-one would want them and I'd have to bid on them myself. But I shouldn't have been so worried. Much to my delight, not only did my basket in the live auction go for $70, but a few people actually bid for it too! Recipes to follow......

1 comment:

  1. Dot that looks amazing. You're wasted out there. Well done. I really like the new look of your blog too. Hope whoever got the basket enjoyed it!
